Why collect Kachinas?
We are primarily talking about Hopi Kachina Doll Carvings, also referred to as Tihu. Sometimes the spelling varies Katsina, Katchina, Katcina, these terms are interchangeable.
Anyone who collects something becomes passionate about their collection, sometimes ravenously obsessive about it. Some will protect sources: the carvers they may come to know, the stores where they find the best dolls, the dealers and websites that offer dolls for sale new or old. I’ve seen collections of over 500 dolls on a single household wall.
The ultimate collector must have been Barry Goldwater. His kachinas make up the bulk of the spectacular collection at the Phoenix Heard Museum. Artists Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Horst Antes, Georgia O’Keeffe, R.C. Gorman, Andy Warhol, and so many more all collected and were often inspired to paint their own versions of Kachinas. President John F. Kennedy was gifted a Long Beard Kachina back in the early 60’s, he gave it to his daughter Caroline, that doll is now in the Kennedy Presidential Library.
Above and below 4 oversized Kachina Cottonwood root carvings.
The local Taos author Frank Waters would say of his collection, which still to this day hangs on his bedroom wall, ‘they tend to be alive, at night they seem to move about’. A collection begins when you suddenly find yourself with more than 3 of something, you don’t need to go overboard and fill your house with them. One doll hanging on your wall or standing in a place of honor will bring blessings to you, your home and those who visit your home.
This set of 3 Kachinas and prayer altar are available at SOLD. 2 Mudheads, 1 Hillilli (the Hillilli is still available), with the wall hanger shelf, vintage ca. 1950's extremely rare. I was told feathers and dance wands would also be kept on this shelf. Below are close ups of the 2 Koyemsi.
The carver from Second Mesa that lived across the street has passed away, but thankfully we now know his name. We have recently purchased 2 dolls with his name written on the underskirt!!! Here the one to the far left is available Sold, and when you scroll down you'll see a Morning singer doll standing behind the Frankoma mud head mug that is also available by Rae Honwytewa SOLD
Hakto tied to an ear of Hopi corn ca. 1980's sold
This doll was given out by a bank in Arizona to customers after they deposited a certain amount of funds into their savings account. He was mounted onto a base, which is long gone, the glue on the bottom of his feet remains. ca. 1950's by Robert Quotsquya sold
Badger sold Mudhead sold & Hummingbird (Sold)
Values keep going up, and older dolls have gotten harder to find, (or find at a reasonable price point). As with anything this desirable there’s a lot of competition out there for collectors. Whether you collect just one particular type of kachina such as Koyemsi/Mudheads or Longbeards/Hillilli, they all make quite a colorful display.
Hopi Kokopelli Maiden (sold), Maiden by Abbot S. signed as such on back of shawl similar to the JFK doll, Badger (sold)
Badger, Qoqole (the Hopi 'Santa Claus' close up below) contemporary Old Style Doll by J. Quamahongnewa, ca. 1950 Ogre (Sold)
A selection now available hanging over the window at Two Graces Plaza Gallery.
The Old & the silly fun made by a woman in Taos.
Alsaka a diety carving like Masau perfectly fine to own but RARELY carved, from the R.C. Gorman collection (there is a Fewkes plate of this doll, which probably inspired the carver)
Tuma-Uyi Contemporary Route 66 doll by Gallegos SOLD, with crocheted doll by a woman from Farmington that made loads of these for the local Taos toy store Tiovivo
Then there are the doll carvings made by other Pueblo people. Zuni carvings are some of the best (in the store here they always sell rather quickly, recently I had one for all of 3 hours!), Acoma & Laguna carvings are the simplest and to some collectors extremely desirable but really not for everyone, basically they look like a short log with a stylized face, Jemez dolls tend to be confused with ‘Boy Scout’ carvings, those from Isleta are not common but do exist. San Juan carvings, which I carry are specific to the various Northern Pueblo Dances. As a rule I do not carry Navajo Kachinas, which I refer to as PowWow Dancer Dolls. These may look great on a coffee table featured in a photo essay for Architectural Digest or some other home interiors magazine, but they are some of the worst craftsmanship of curios in the marketplace today. Navajo carvers did make traditional Route 66 Yei Dolls, and there are some amazing Navajo traditional carvings out there. It’s my personal opinion that PowWow Dancer Dolls are not your best option. All of the Pueblos in New Mexico & Arizona have their own unique carvings, some do not offer them as crafts for sale and strictly forbid the sale of wooden deity carvings. When visiting a Pueblo ask for dolls or crafts—never ask for ‘Kachinas’.
San Juan dolls by Trujillo
San Juan Buffalo Dancer & Koshare below by Maestas ca. 1980's
Old navajo Yei Route 66 carving.
Taos Pueblo Koshare Clown Mask of micaceous clay
Ottelie Loloma Longbeard Kachina Pot with wicker handle
San Ildefonso or Isleta Kachina painting on heavy board of the Dorothy Dunn School
For the truly obsessed there is the realm of Kachina Kitsch, such as Tablecloths, Glassware, Tableware, Liquor Bottles, Banks, Salt & Pepper Shakers. You may also find yourself collecting Kachina motif Pueblo Pottery, Navajo Weavings, Dorothy Dunn School Paintings, Fewkes Prints or Native American Jewelry. Actual dance items come onto the marketplace occasionally Kilts, Leggings, Arm Bands, & the most common item available which are the Gourd Rattles. Please stay away from Kachina Masks and Turtle Shell Rattles, both run into a grey area for collectors.
Views of the shelves of Kachinas & Kachina Kitsch, yes, you are seeing 2 different make it yourself Kachina Kits!
1 Frankoma Mug available, sold in the Harvey House that was located in Albuquerque where today there is the airport
Tumblers with Salt & Pepper Shakers with an amazing metal name tag for a Kachina Boat!
Arizona Tablecloth & Hopi Sunface small hooked area rug.
If you are looking for something specific, or would like a detailed photo of some of the items you see in these pictures please call or email us, we’d be happy to assist you.
575-758-4639 or 575-758-4101
email to: r2c2graces@gmail.com
Bull roarer, dance wand pairs, Kachina ceramics, a wooden bank, lots of kitschy goodies.
There are 2 rattles here, and a pair of dance wands, the terra cotta rattle is the best I've ever seen, it has indian heads scribed into it all around, I believe this to be Maricopa, although I do not know with absolute certainty
I had 2 sets of these 'dead stock' in the box sets of 6 Kachina tumblers per set of 6, the Kachina Antelope dancer ceramic tray with raised base is a treasure
A boy and his dolls...
Thank you for your interest, R
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