Early ca. 70's "Red Marker" drawing by Fritz Scholder from the Estate of RC Gorman
"The Old Kachina Mask" SOLD
I've had this matted and UV safety glass put over it.
Size just under 8" x 10" framed 12 3/4" x 15" in original frame.
This painting has been in my collection since I purchased it from the RC Gorman Estate auction. I would rather not sell it but have priced it and have it on display in the office of my store Two Graces, it is simply a true jewel and not very common for Scholder although I have seen other southwest subjects (not Kachinas) from this time period in this medium of Red Magic Marker. I sell this as a true Fritz Scholder and I know this because I had asked RC about it years ago when I first saw it in his home. Mr. Gorman had 2 Scholders, one a small portrait of RC in his big Rez hat framed with an oval mat around it done as a 'quick' pen and ink sketch and this amazing Kachina work.

Costume Party designs by Mrs. Jean Arp,
(I've posted this image just for fun, I just love all Kachina Kitsch)
The following Route 66 Kachina dolls were from a family collection that used them and played with them as part of their annual Christmas decoration under the tree ca. 1930-1950!
Above from left to right
"Corn" (w/large ears)6 3/4" tall Rte 66 Kachina SOLD this doll has a crack in his paint down the front, it is stable and should not be 'touched up'
"Eagle" 11 1/2" wing span 8" tall Rte 66 Kachina SOLD
"Sun God" 4 3/4" tall Rte 66 Kachina SOLD
Above a pair of Koyemsi aka Mudheads by the Hopi carver Abbot S., on the left this doll was well worn, his 'knobs' have been replaced priced at SOLD a beautiful well loved doll 4 1/2" tall. The one on the right has the Hopi Sun stamp on the bottom of the base which is cut through to the back and not notched 5 1/2" tall, SOLD
Two more dolls from Abbot each 5" tall the "Thunderbird" on the left SOLD
The "Hunter" on the right is SOLD this one has the cut straight through the base, both with the Abbot Hopi Sun stamp on the bottom of the base.
Little Hopi girls the one on the left is a Route 66 Hahaya Kachina Mother 4 1/8" tall.
On the right this little Hopi Maiden with the Princes Leia hair is SOLD, one of my favorite Abbot dolls it was snatched up by a lovely young couple visiting from Japan (just yesterday!).
3 Navajo Yei Route 66 Dolls left to right SOLD, SOLD
(the first one resembles 'Mickey Mouse'!!!)
These are TRUE Navajo folk art so much better than the powwow dancer dolls they pass off for 'Kachinas' in todays market.

Vintage image of a Hopi carver at work on both, side by side Route 66 Dolls (the ones with bases) and Dolls to give out at the next Kachina dance ceremony (the ones with legs). NA
This pair of Dance wands are just over 23" tall, used in a Hopi Maiden Social Dance,
you can see the wear on the handles.
I have not seen many of these offered for sale and they tend to be in Museum collections which is the only place I've ever seen them. This is an amazing pair ca. 1960-1970's, I'm dating these from the 'poster paint' that was used on them. They do have the clay slip painted onto the wood first. The back sides are white with tadpole designs painted in black. I've been told that these were normally made with wood from fruit crates, but these really seem like they are made of cottonwood. My Hopi friends tell me that they are rarely used anymore, if at all and are more than likely being phased out, what a shame. They did have eagle feathers tied onto them at one time, since this would be contraband the feathers have been returned to the Hopi people.
Personally this is something I would prefer to keep for myself but times are extremely tough SOLD.
2 Home Dance Kachina dolls ca. 1980 SOLD Green face SOLD White face.
Cochiti Pueblo pottery Antelope wall hanger by Irwin Quintana SOLD
San Felipe Pueblo Kachina Face 4 directions Pottery the faces are each painted for the four directions green, white, red and brown priced at SOLD. signed J & M Latoma SFP.
7 1/2" tall about 8" wide
an eyedazzling knockout piece of Pueblo Pottery, it's quite a beautiful pot.