On Collecting Kachina Dolls, Part 1 (of a seven part series)
Robert Cafazzo
Two Graces, Taos
At some point in time you may have seen a Kachina Doll in a museum collection, at the home of a friend or in a shop. If your own curiosity was piqued and one of these carvings stuck in your head, you may have thought about purchasing one for yourself. I begin here with a list of books about all things Kachina Dolls to hopefully help educate your collecting bug and put you on the proper path to creating either a great collection or finding just one great Kachina carving. Educating yourself through images and writings in books may help you to choose a doll wisely and well informed, BUT having an actual Kachina Doll in your hands will give a better understanding of the real deal. There are many who specialize in selling these unique carvings, not everyone is a true expert, everyone gets fooled, dealers and collectors alike. The plan is to write 7 articles about collecting Kachina Dolls, most of these books will be informative to anyone interested in the carvings of Kachina.
“The Twenty-First Annual Report of the Bureau of American Anthology” J.W. Powell 1899-1900 (63 plates of Kachinas) *
“Hopi Kachina Tradition Following the Sun and Moon” Alph Secakuku 1995 *
“Hopi Katsina 1,600 Artist Biographies” Gregory Schaaf 2008 *
“Classic Hopi and Zuni Kachina Figures” Portago & Wright 2006
“Hopi Material Culture, Artifacts Gathered by H.R. Voth in the Fred Harvey Collection” Barton Wright 1979 *
“Hopi Kachina, Spirit of Life” Dorothy K. Washburn 1980
“Kachinas: The Barry Goldwater Collection at the Heard Museum” Barton Wright 1975 *
“Hopi Clay, Hopi Ceremony” Seymour & Harriet Koenig 1976 *
“Hopis, Tewas and the American Road” Walker & Wyckoff 1983
“Kachinas” Andreas S. Andersen, Otis Art Institute 1967 *
“Kachinas, An Evolving Hopi Art Form” Jon T. Ericsson 1978
“The Great Tradition of Hopi Katsina Carvers” Barry Walsh 2019 *
“Hopi Katsina Anomalies, the Unusual, Rare and Unique” Barry Walsh 2024 *
“Dolls of the Indians, a book of Kachina Effigies” Elsie V. Hanauer 1970 *
“Clowns of the Hopi” Barton Wright 1994
“A Guide to Hopi Katsina Dolls” Kent McManis 2000 *
“Hopi” Jake Page 1994 *
"Book of the Hopi" Frank Waters 1963
"Masked Gods, Navajo and Pueblo Ceremonialism" Frank Waters 1950 *
“Kachinas of the Zuni” Barton Wright 1985
“Georgia O’Keeffe in New Mexico, Architecture, Katsinam and the Land” Buhler Lynnes & Kastner 2012
“Katsina, Commodified & Appropriated Images of Hopi Supernaturals” Zena Pearlstone 2001*
“Traditional Hopi Kachinas” Jonathan Day 2000
“Preserving a Tradition, Traditional Style Kachina Dolls” 1994 (pamphlet)
“Preserving a Tradition, Traditional Style Katsina Dolls” 1996 (pamphlet)
“Esprit Kachina” Amrouche, Rheims, Wright, Ndiaye for Gallerie Flak 2003 *
“L’Appel des Kachinas – Katsina Calling” Julien Flak 2024
“La Danse des Kachinas PoupĂ©es Hopi et Zuni dans les collections surrĂ©alistes et alentour Hopi and Zuni dolls in the Surrealist collections and around” 1998
“Les Fils du Soleil, Indiens de Californie et du Sud-Ouest” 2014 *
“Kachina, George Teriyaki Collection” Davide Manfredi 2008 *
“Kachina Figuren der Pueblo Indianer Nordamerikas aus der Studiensammlung” Horst Antes 1981 *
“Messengers of the Hopi and Zuni Gods” Geneste & Mickeler 2012
“Kachina des Indiens Hopi” Francois, Pierre & Camacho 1992
“The Stuff of Dreams, Native American Dolls” Mary Jane Lenz 1986
“Navajo Figurines Called Dolls” Kelly, Lang, Walters 1972 (pamphlet)
“Fetishes and Carvings of the Southwest” Oscar Branson 1976
“Hopi and Pueblo Tiles, an Illustrated History” Kim & Pat Messier 2007
“Kachinas in the Pueblo World” Polly Schaafsma 1994
“Kachina Dolls, the Art of Hopi Carvers” Helga Tiewes 1992
“Hopi Kachina Dolls and their Carvers” Bassman & Balzer 1991
“Kachina and the White Man” F. Dockstader 1990
“Kachinas, Spirit Beings of the Hopi” Neil David Sr. Dockstader, Ricks & Anthony 1993
“Kachinas, a Hopi Artists Documentary” Cliff Bahnimptewa & Barton Wright 1973
“The Hopi Approach to the Art of Kachina Doll Carving” Erik Bromberg 1986
“The Kachina and the Cross, Indians and Spaniards in the Early Southwest” Carroll L. Riley 1999
“Hopi Kachinas the Complete Guide to Collecting Kachina Dolls” Barton Wright 1977
“Hopi Kachina Dolls with a key to their Identification” Harold S. Colton 1949
“Kachina Lore” Abbot Sakiestewa (pamphlet) *
“Kachinas and Kachina Dolls” Denver Art Museum 1951 (pamphlet) *
“Hopi Toys” Frances Watkins (Southwest Museum) 195? (pamphlet) *
“The Hopi Indians” Ruth De Ette Simpson (Southwest Museum) 1953
“Kachinas/Saints” George Mills (Colorado Springs Fine Art Center) (pamphlet)
“This is a Hopi Kachina” Wright & Roat (Museum of Northern Arizona) 1962 (pamphlet)
“An Introduction to Hopi Kachinas” 1977 (pamphlet)
“Arizona’s First Exhibition of the Fabulous Cornell Collection of Indian Kachinas” 1973 (pamphlet)
“Nathaniel Owings’ Kachina Collection” 1973 (pamphlet)
“Collecting Kachina Dolls” Alan Kessler 1988 (spiral bound pamphlet)
“Man and Magic” 1970 (pamphlet)
“Kachina Dolls” W Ben Hunt 1957 (pamphlet)
“Kachinas” Wayne Long 1967 (pamphlet)
“What is Kachina?” Harold Colton 1949 (pamphlet)
“Messages, Woven, Carved, Painted” 2006 (catalogue)
“The Hopi Indians” Ruth DeEtte Simpson 1953 (pamphlet)
“The Oraibi Soyal Ceremony” George Dorsey 1901 (pamphlet)
“Amerindien Precolombien 27 Juin 2014” E & Eve 2014 (auction catalogue)
“Kachina Dolls, form & function in Hopi Tithu” Breunig & Lomatuway’ma 1989 (pamphlet)
“Hopi Kachina Dolls” 1992 (pamphlet)
“El Palacio Volume 76, #4” 1970 (magazine)
“Arizona Highways, Volume XLII #8” August 1966 (magazine)
“Arizona Highways, Volume XXV #7” July 1959 (magazine)
“Arizona Highways Volume XXVI #7” July 1950 (magazine)
“Arizona Highways Volume XLVII #6” June 1971 (magazine)
“New Mexico Magazine, Kachina Special Volume 53 #3” March 1975 (magazine)
Please know that this list of over 70 books, it is in no particular order, nor is it complete. The foreign publications are quite pricey, and I have listed books about contemporary Kachina dolls as well. The pamphlets I’ve listed here are unique and rare, they are quite useful. Each time I believe I have every book about Kachinas I find another one! I have put an asterisk at the books I personally find most useful.
At any given time we tend to have a few of the books (not many) listed here available for sale at Two Graces.
Thank you for your support and your interest through 21 years in business,
“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are - if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.” Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth 1988